Gritty installment four of the Terminator series. It is post-apocalyptic 2018 and John Connor (Christian Bale) is called on to lead the resistance against a dominating militaristic world of robots. Thought provoking elements help overlook some story line weakness. Altogether very entertaining and well directed. Terminator fans and even those who know very little of the series' backstory will enjoy this action-packed film.Bale is fantastic as usual, but Sam Worthington is almost the scene robber here. Intense science fiction violence and action. Special effects are top notch. Some powerful sounds from Guns N' Roses and Alice In Chains. The cast is versatile and includes: Michael Ironside, Moon Bloodgood, Helena Bonham Carter, Anton Yelchin, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jadagrace and Victor Ho.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Wow, this is a decent film- I was thoroughly entertained and this despite going in with low expectations. McG manages a great color palette and the action sequences are awesome. Sure, this isn't as great as The Terminator or Terminator 2 but it is surely better than T3 and a lot better than the other works in the cannon. Both Bale and Worthington are fantastic. Go watch Terminator salvation now.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Once you manage to settle back in the series timeline, the movie is actually a fair dystopian action entertainment. Bale offers a strange grunting Connor, but it actually works in the end.